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December 2016


Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Structured Triglycerides in Critically Ill Chinese Patients ESPEN. 38th Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-20 September, 2016 (Podium Presentation Abstract ) Device inalatori: la valutazione della Patient’s Preference Società Italiana di Pneumologia (SIP). 19° Congresso Asma Bronchiale E BPCO: nuovi obiettivi, nuovi rimedi, nuove strategie, Verona, Italy, 14-15 January, 2016 ...


Pradelli L, Ghetti G. A General Model for the Estimation of Societal Costs of Lost Production and Informal Care in Italy. ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria, 29 October-2 November, 2016 Pradelli L, Povero M, Myers G. Perioperative Therapies Reducing Homologous Transfusions During Cardiovascular Surgery: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria, 29 October-2 November, 2016 Pradelli L, Graf S, Ehm...


ReadBellone M, Di Virgilio R, Di Rienzo P. Budget impact analysis of apixaban to treat and prevent venous thromboembolism in Italy. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2016; 17(3): 127-136 ReadPradelli L, Ascierto P. Valutazione clinica ed economica dell’introduzione sul mercato italiano della combinazione trametinib + dabrafenib nel trattamento del melanoma in stadio avanzato. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2016; 17(Suppl 3): 1-32 ReadDal Negro W, Povero M....